

Key control workflows designed specifically for Hilton Hotel staff and contractor management.

Simplify Key Management

Simplify Key

Effortlessly pick up and drop off keys using personalized PIN codes.

Real-Time Control


Easily track key access, add or revoke permissions, all at your fingertips.

Streamline Operations


Save time, minimize training, and focus on delivering exceptional guest experiences.

"If you need to have keys managed for an entire team this is by far the best way to do it"

Justin Martin
Justin Martin
AGM, Embassy Suites by Hilton Jonesboro

1000+ Reviews


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A dedicated Keycafe representative will assist with a live video demo.

Streamlined Operations
Streamlined Operations
  • Keycafe simplifies key management processes, allowing Hilton managers to streamline their operations and enhance efficiency.
  • With the convenience of personalized PIN codes, staff members can quickly access and return keys at the Keycafe kiosk, reducing time spent searching for the right key and improving overall productivity.
  • By eliminating the need for manual key tracking, many Hilton locations have experienced a significant reduction in key-related errors and delays, ensuring a smooth operation and seamless guest experiences.
Real-Time Tracking and Control
Real-Time Tracking and Control
  • With Keycafe, Hilton locations enjoy real-time tracking and control over their key management system.
  • Hotel managers have instant visibility into who accesses keys and when, providing valuable insights into key usage patterns and enhancing security.
  • The ability to add or revoke access permissions instantly ensures that only authorized staff members have access to specific keys, providing hotel management with peace of mind and maintaining the integrity of their key management process.
Improved Security
Improved Security
  • Keycafe's advanced software offers Hilton unmatched security for their key management needs.
  • The personalized PIN code system eliminates the risk of unauthorized key access, ensuring that only authorized staff members can retrieve keys.
  • With the Keycafe SmartBox always connected to the internet, Hilton managers can track key usage in real-time, reducing the potential for misplaced or lost keys and maintaining a secure environment for guests and employees alike.
Enhanced Guest Experiences
Enhanced Guest Experiences
  • By streamlining key management and improving operational efficiency, Keycafe enables Hilton hotels to focus more on delivering exceptional guest experiences.
  • With staff members spending less time managing keys, they can dedicate more attention to attending to guests' needs and providing personalized service.
  • The seamless and hassle-free key retrieval process using Keycafe contributes to a positive guest impression, ensuring that every stay at Hilton is memorable and enjoyable.
24/7 Self-Serve Key Access

24/7 Self-Serve Key Access

Keys are available to your staff 24/7, no need for daily admin management or manual tracking.

Simple PIN Code Access

Simple PIN Code Access

Staff each have their own PIN code for access that does not change when you change keys or permissions. This simplicity ensures maximum staff compliance in adopting the system.

Always Connected

Always Connected

IoT-connected device allows for you to have remote oversight and real-time updates.

Granular Permissions

Granular Permissions

Ensure authorized access only by specifying who has access to keys and at what times. Revoke permissions instantly.

Real-Time Alerts

Real-Time Alerts

Set up notifications for real-time tracking as keys are picked up and returned by staff. Know immediately if keys are not returned on time after a shift.

Audit Trail

Audit Trail

Download the history of all keys in and out of your system and analyze the data for usage patterns.

How It Works

How It Works
Easy pickup workflow ensures staff compliance
  1. Enter their PIN
  2. Select Key Pickup and a key bin will open
  3. Pick up the key and close the door
The drop off is even easier
  1. Enter their PIN
  2. Scan the Keycafe fob and a bin door will open
  3. Place keys in bin and close door
Here is a sample training video you can share with your team to help train them quickly.

Special Offer for Hilton Hotel Brands

$500 off if purchased within 30 days

45 Days Money Back Guarantee