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Key control workflows designed specifically for CAM Industrial Solutions staff and client management.

Simplify Access for Staff

Simplify Access
for Staff

Effortlessly pick up and drop off keys using PIN codes, no oversight required.

Real-Time Control


Easily track and manage key access permissions from anywhere, anytime.

Streamline Operations


Save time, minimize training, and focus on exceptional management of client facilities.

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CAM Industrial Solutions Harnesses Keycafe for Enhanced Vehicle Management and Accountability

CAM Industrial Solutions

"Accountability at its finest! We now have the ability to identify exactly who signed out the keys and at what time."

Rocky Ellison
Rocky Ellison
Project Manager
CAM Industrial Solutions


CAM Industrial Solutions was grappling with the challenge of effectively managing the use of on-site vehicles at a manufacturing facility in Ontario. The absence of a centralized system to monitor and control vehicle access led to vehicles being misused and keys being left in vehicles. This situation posed a significant risk, especially after hours, not only in terms of security but also in managing the accountability of vehicle damages.

Every incident of misuse or damage to a vehicle meant increased operational costs and time lost in investigating and resolving these issues. The need for a system that could seamlessly integrate into their operations and bring about a culture of accountability and efficiency was evident. CAM Industrial Solutions was in dire need of a transformative solution to reclaim control and oversight of their vehicle fleet.

Pain Points

  • Uncontrolled Vehicle Access: Keys were often left in vehicles, leading to unmonitored access and use.
  • Lack of Accountability: No system in place to track who used vehicles, especially after hours, and no recourse for unexplained damage to vehicles.
  • Operational Inefficiency: Significant time wasted tracking down keys and resolving vehicle use-related issues.


CAM Industrial Solutions turned to Keycafe to address these challenges. Compared to competing products, the team found Keycafe's solution provided a more cost-effective and efficient way to manage vehicle use. By assigning vehicles to specific work groups and qualifying primary and backup drivers within each group, using Keycafe ensured that only authorized personnel could access the vehicles during their shift. The system's ease of use, supported by a smartphone app and a web interface, along with responsive customer support, made the integration seamless and effective.

At the beginning of a driver’s shift, they sign out the key of the vehicle they’ve been given permission to from the Keycafe SmartBox using their PIN code, which creates a log of the key pickup. At the end of the shift, they simply return the key back to SmartBox using the same PIN code, which again will log the key return, creating a comprehensive record of the vehicle’s use for the day.

CAM Industrial Solution’s Implementation

  • Controlled Access: Vehicles assigned to specific groups with designated primary and backup drivers, ensuring controlled but flexible access.
  • Full Access Records: The Keycafe system allowed drivers to self-sign out vehicle keys at the start of their shift and return them at the end, creating a log of transactions.
  • Responsive Support: The Keycafe support team was easily reachable and helped swiftly resolve queries, ensuring a smooth setup and operation.
"Once we installed [the SmartBox], the support team was easy to deal with in setting the system up for us in the first few days. I contacted the support team with questions that they were able to answer quickly. We now have complete accountability of all vehicles in our control."


The adoption of Keycafe by CAM Industrial Solutions led to immediate and impactful results. The system not only streamlined the management of vehicle use but also significantly improved accountability and reduced the time spent on investigating vehicle damages. The ability to track and identify who signed out the vehicle keys proved invaluable, marking a substantial improvement in operational efficiency and security.

There was initial hesitation from employees who expected a slow and arduous new process for signing out keys, but they quickly adapted after the first key pickup, realizing how quick it was. Everyone was on board and appreciated the transparency and efficiency it brought to their daily routines. Project Manager Rocky Ellison found Keycafe to be a perfect addition to the company’s toolbelt: “The overall accountability was more than expected. The ability to immediately assign a new user access from my phone made dealing with after-hour call ins flawless.”

The Outcome

  • Reduced Vehicle Damages: A notable reduction in vehicle damages was observed, with Keycafe enabling precise identification of who used the vehicles and when, reducing the time spent on investigations.
  • Cultural and Operational Transformation: Rapid adoption and appreciation for the system's impact on transparency and efficiency.
  • Enhanced Accountability: The overall accountability exceeded expectations.

Get your quote and $500 off

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24/7 Self-Serve Key Access

24/7 Self-Serve Key Access

Keys are available to your staff and contractors, no need for daily admin management or manual tracking.

Simple PIN Code Access

Simple PIN Code Access

Staff each have their own PIN code for access that does not change when you change keys or permissions. This simplicity ensures maximum staff compliance in adopting the system.

Always Connected

Always Connected

IoT-connected device allows for you to have remote oversight and real-time updates.

Granular Permissions

Granular Permissions

Ensure authorized access only by specifying who has access to keys and at what times. Revoke permissions instantly.

Real-Time Alerts

Real-Time Alerts

Set up notifications for real-time tracking as keys are picked up and returned by staff. Know immediately if keys are not returned on time after a shift.

Audit Trail

Audit Trail

Download the history of all keys in and out of your system and analyze the data for usage patterns.

How It Works

How It Works
Easy pickup workflow ensures staff compliance
  1. Enter their PIN
  2. Select the desired key
  3. Bin opens to reveal the requested key
The drop off is even easier
  1. Enter their PIN
  2. Scan the Keycafe fob and a bin door will open
  3. Place keys in bin and close door

Take Control of Your Key Management Today